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Humanitarian Call

Help orphans, widows, and families

This is a humanitarian call, to help Syrian families. The People of Syria are facing a true ongoing crisis, with shortages in food, fuel, and basic medical supplies. With the cold winter weather, our people will need all the help they can get. We all have a duty to help in whichever way we can.

We, at AID4ALL, save no effort in order to ensure that all donations reach the right people at the right time. In doing so, a numerous projects are employed to raise funds, from direct donations to local events like food fairs, auctions and presentations. We endeavour to ensure that money reaches afflicted people who are in urgent need ASAP.

Recent Events

An Event at Edinburgh Central Mosques:After the impressive success this event achieved, the board would like to thank all those who donated and generously contributed. Using your money we were able to buy rice, cooking oil, sugar, infant milk and other essential materials that reached the people who were in serious need to these essential supplies.